Vegetables, many may define it as an enemy in our childhood that our parents forced us to consume. Secretly, when our parents are not watching, we would toss it into the bin or sneak it to our siblings’ plates.

As shown in a study, children were more willing to eat their least favourite vegetable when presented alongside their health benefits. They even ate twice the amount after the study ended due to repeated exposure.

Thus introducing Vegeventure, an educational game that familiarizes primary school students with vegetables by teaching them their health benefits. The students will have a best friend to grow and learn with them as they meet other characters.

The campaign will include Vegeventure, sponsored Instagram ads and posters.

The 9 different types of seeds

The students can start off by choosing a seed as their VegePal, which they would need to nurture and grow into the different types of vegetables. The 9 different types are bulb, flowers, fruits, fungi, leaves, roots, seeds, stem and tubers.

The setting of Vegeventure will be a village, which allows the students to communicate with the villagers and get experience points to nurture their VegePals.

The villagers

Students will get to interact with the different villagers to receive quests so that they can gain experience points to level up their VegePals.

The different vegetables


These are the different posters that will be around bus stops, MRT stations to raise awareness of this game for students.

These are the different vegetables that the students can collect to help to complete the mini-games and quests.

Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
Instagram ads
Vegeventure Game
Overall campaign

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe After Effects,