Being assigned to the art movement — Art Deco, I was required to redesign a book cover of my choice. Art Deco, a modern art style that makes practical objects artistic, is well-known for motifs such as straight lines, geometric shapes, and stepped forms. Luxurious and elegant — these words perfectly describe Art Deco when I first saw the works. Then, what genre would go well with it? Fantasy? Horror? No, a classic mystery book whose plot is set in olden London days suits it the best. Thus, I decided on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

The plot and the book cover influence one to purchase a book. By including some key elements from the book such as the Blue Carbuncle, Beryl Coronet, and a swamp adder (a type of snake), it allows the user to know more about the book. Using a different Art Deco typeface for ‘Sherlock Holmes’ has also helped it to stand out. The detective’s cap and magnifying glass in the center also highlight the fact that he is a detective. Making the overall background black has also helped the book appear elegant but mysterious.

Program used: Adobe Illustrator